Monday, September 28, 2015

Halloween Movie Review: Dragonfly

       I guess it's kind of a stretch to call this a Halloween movie; it only had two mildly spooky scenes.  I think it's a mistake to classify it as a supernatural thriller too. There were supernatural elements, but it wasn't particularly thrilling.  Really, it was a series of missed opportunities.  The premise, and even the resolution, could have been worked into a good movie.  Instead they just have KCos running around pestering sick kids and chilling with Kathy Bates.  
       The title is a misleading.  Dragonfly.  It implies that that is somehow important or relevant to the story.  It is not.  His wife liked dragonflies, so early on, after her death, a rolling dragonfly paperweight helped to convince him that she is trying to communicate from beyond the grave.  That's it.  You've probably seen the poster so you're thinking what about that abstract drawing of a dragonfly that reoccurs.  Nope.  It's a (spoiler alert) waterfall.  No connection is ever made between the fact that she loved dragonflies and this recurring image that she is using to communicate strongly resembles a dragonfly.  It's like the writers didn't even notice the similarity.  That's a serious missed opportunity and one that would have helped the film immensely.  (Notice I didn't say it would have saved the film.)   It could have been the connecting thread.  They could have set it up like: KCos sees the dragonfly image, knows it's her and wonders what she's trying to tell him with the dragonfly.  It would still have worked for it to be the waterfall of her accident.  The dragonfly represents the waterfall!  But no.  It doesn't.  It's just a map image of a waterfall.  Any similarities to the dragonfly are unintentional.  The titular dragonfly is completely irrelevant.  

(Also, why is the waterfall significant?  He always knew where the crash was.  He went there early on in the film.  The location of the crash wasn't a mystery, they just never found the bodies.  Never mind.)
     I was okay with the resolution.  He finds his baby.  That's nice.  The setup for that was pretty heavy handed early on, but it still made for a happy end.  I didn't hate the movie; it just wasn't very good.  

(Also, I think Kathy Bates was a lesbian.  But it was subtle.)

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