Sunday, June 13, 2021

Comic Book Coffee Break #50

Thanks for joining me on my Comic Book Coffee Break! I was in Utah last week, so now I'm playing catch-up!  This morning I had a small Tim Horton's Coffee with cream and sugar.  I don't really care for their coffee, which is why I usually get tea. Anyway...

Let's talk comic books!

We were doing a Fairy Tale episode for Howe's Things so I finally read Fables V.1 by Bill Wyndam.  My friend Kendra has been recommending it for years.  Legends in Exile is basically a murder mystery looking into the death of Snow White's sister Rose Red.  I get the appeal and it really sticks to its groove, but I don't expect to check back in.  I find the premise a little hard to get past and it never quite got over that hump in my mind. 

Next, I read Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye V.1 by James Roberts.  I don't know why, but I have a fondness for the Transformers, and yet I never seem to settle on a version of them that I like.  (I loved the Transformers/Star Trek crossover, but that hardly counts.) This version looks great, but don't let that V.1 confuse you.  This is not a very good hopping on point.


I'm doing a guest-spot on Previously on X-Men so I picked up some Deadpool.  This week was Deadpool vs. X-Force by Duane Swierczynski and Pepe Laraz.  This was harmless, but not particularly intriguing. It's a time travel story where Deadpool is going back and messing things up so Cable assembles a proto X-Force and goes after him.  It's fun how it intersects with Deadpool's first appearance. 


I'm rounding the corner on my New 52 Superman reread. I read Superman: Before Truth and Action Comics: Truth. This is setting up the fall of New 52 Superman.  Oddly enough the actual Truth story wasn't as impactful as I remember. Some of the villains and side plots drag down the story.  It works best when we get an introspective Superman, but he keeps having to rumble. I'll looking forward to the grand conclusion. 

Next Time...

I'm reading the Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman volumes to complete the Truth story, and then finally getting back to the vintage Cap reading. 


You can find back issues of the video version of Comic Book Coffee Break here.

The audio version of Comic Book Coffee Break is over there

You can find me as the co-host of 9021 Here We G0: A 90210 Rewatch Podcast and This Endorian Life, both for the Radio Meanwhile Network

I also host Howe's Things, the podcast and radio show of the David A. Howe Public Library. 

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