Thursday, October 29, 2009

Director's Note & Press Release: House on the Cliff

Here's the director's note for my first show directing with Houghton College.  This show will always have a special place in my heart.  I loved it from the get-go.

I read several scripts before settling on House on the Cliff.  In order to preserve the mystery, as well as the element of surprise I was determined to find a lesser known play.  I had never read anything by George Batson, but took an instant liking to this one.  It preserves the traditional aspects of a good mystery while avoiding clichés.  I thought the central plot was very unique and found the characters to be interesting and fresh. 
     I’ve had a great experience working with this cast.  We’ve had a lot of fun together.  It will be a shame when the production concludes and we no longer have an excuse to get together anymore.  They have each put a lot of hard work into this show and I, like you, look forward to seeing the finished product.

Below is the press release that went out to local papers.  Hilary actually wrote this one.

Houghton College will be presenting a murder mystery this Halloween weekend! It’s the perfect show for a spooky evening, so bring your friends, family, everyone!

In George Batson’s House on the Cliff, a widow (Alice Browning) and her step-daughter (Rachel Stowe) struggle to heal from a recent family tragedy, while the arrival of two strangers (Eric Mikols and Carly Trask) brings an atmosphere of uncertainty into the equation.  Death lurks around every corner. Who is safe? And who will save the household? 

Join us for a time of intrigue and suspense this Halloween weekend! Shows are 7pm on October 29, 30, and 31 (plus a 2pm matinee performance on the 31st) in the Tysinger Auditorium at the Houghton Academy (9790 Thayer Street, Houghton, NY). Tickets will be available at the door. Contact Director Nic Gunning at with any questions.

Hilary Gunning 
Houghton College

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