Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Write Me a Murder: Director's Note

I have this reputation of only doing murder mysteries, but when you look at my back catalogue, I’ve only done four.  The last one was Dial M for Murder (which coincidentally was also written by Frederick Knott), and that was in 2012! While this may be an unearned reputation, it’s not an unfair one.   Because, truth be told, I always want to do a murder mystery. I love them.  Challenge me to a Columbo trivia contest; you lose every time.  Think you’ve read more Murder, She Wrote books than me?  You haven’t.

So here we are again. Murder is in the air. Now, I love a traditional drawing room mystery.  You’ve got your eccentric cast of characters with a devious murderer tossed in, you’ve got your brilliant detective, and they all end up in a room where our hero drops some knowledge on us.  Case closed, right?  Good times.  But Frederick Knott will have none of that.  He lulls you into a smug feeling that you’ve figured it out. You can see it coming a mile away.  But can you? Now you’re not so sure. Wait, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Then you’re going down a new path.  The road forks and you find an unexpected way forward.  Now you see it, but just as it comes into focus, the curtains swing closed.  Frederick Knott gets us again.

You know what, maybe I’ll just lean in to it.  Seven years is too long between murder mysteries.      -NG

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