Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What this is all about

So, I’m a pretty modern guy… though if you were to look at my collection of vintage comic books or LPs you might question that statement.  I have a wife, a house, a dog, a stack of bills, a job, a cat and plenty of Cap’n Crunch.  I read a lot.  I’m a big TV guy.  I love going to movies.  I get bored at work.  I don’t want to mow the lawn.  I believe exercise is a necessary evil.  I like my friends; I miss my younger days when we were all together in high school or college.  I think to that all of that is pretty typical.

I’ve hit an age where I’m no longer young, not old of course, but not twenty either.  I need more sleep than I used to.  I can’t eat whatever I want anymore.  I’ve reached the age of characters on TV, which is really strange.  I think a lot of us are in the same boat.  Sometimes it strikes me that I’ve a grown-up.  I’ve made it.  I thought I would feel different or even notice it happening, but I didn’t.  All of a sudden, without warning, here I am… an average, everyday, modern guy.  This is a place for my thoughts, my suggestion, my tips.  Enjoy.

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